manifest national drawing annual 2005 exhibition-in-print
online resource

Sandra Sharp
Madeira, Ohio

Dayton Art Institute, Instructor

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One of the ways I choose to explore and celebrate life is through drawing. For me this happens though the physical sensation of drawing that then extends to the emotional and soulful qualities that I seek to express. This is particularly so in drawing from life, and specifically, the human figure. It is captivating.

There is often 'certain somethings' that cannot be expressed in words, but can be voiced through drawings. To draw is never boring, always challenging, ever evolving, and an endless journey of discovery and surprises.

Henry Moore said, "...the real basis of life is in human relationships. It's through them that we are happy or unhappy, and that we fulfill ourselves or we don't." And I agree. It happens, that in even drawing one solitary figure, I find that an unspoken conversation takes place that brings beauty and meaning into my life.



born: 1956, Cincinnati, Ohio


College of Mount St. Joseph, BFA




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