Preliminary Registration Form:

Manifest Creative Research Expedition


By submitting this form you are establishing your intent to participate in this program.

You are not officially registering. A formal registration form will be mailed to you along with
complete instructions for reserving your place on the trip.

Your name:

First: Last:



City: State: Zip:



Status: (select one)

I am interested in:

Creative workshops and /or drawing instruction

Receiving college credit

Additional notes:


Double check the information you entered above. Clicking SUBMIT will send your information to Manifest. PLEASE be sure that you have read all the provided information about this expedition and are aware of its basic costs and timeline.

After we receive your preliminary registration, y
ou will be contacted directly, and will receive a formal registration packet in the mail shortly thereafter.

Thank you for your adventurous spirit!

(A copy of your information will be automatically sent to the e-mail address you provided.
Please print and retain the e-mail for future reference.)